1. Leafwell Help Center
  2. Florida - Leafwell Renewals / In-Person Only

Florida State Process (Renewals)

Before you start, have these supporting documents ready:

  • Leafwell Physician Certificate
  • A debit or credit card

Renewing Your Florida Medical Marijuana Card

Here's the state's official guide, including photos - or you can read ours below too.

  1. Log into the Medical Marijuana Use Registry: https://mmuregistry.flhealth.gov/
  2. Navigate to the “YOUR CARD” menu option at the top of the page to view your Application History page.
  3. Click “BEGIN RENEWAL” to open a renewal application. You may start a renewal application beginning 45 days prior to your card’s expiration date. The number of days until you can begin a renewal application will be listed on this page. If your previous card is still valid, renewing your card will not affect your ability to obtain products.
  4. Click "PROCEED."
  5. Review all data to make sure it is accurate, then click "APPLY."
  6. Read the confirmation message and click "APPLY" to confirm.
  7. Click "SUPPLY A PHOTO" to supply either your Florida State ID photo or your own passport-style photo.
    1. Clicking “CHECK STATE ID PHOTO” will upload your driver’s license photo from the Florida Department of High Safety and Motor Vehicles’ (FLHSMV) demographic database.
    2. Clicking “SUPPLY MY OWN” will allow you to upload a photo from your device. (Using the FLHSMV sourced data will automatically approve the photo and may cut down on processing time, while supplying your own photo may increase the processing time.)
  8. Scroll down to the "PROOF OF RESIDENCE" section and then click "SUPPLY PROOF."
  9. Click “CHECK STATE RESIDENCY STATUS” to obtain your Driver's License or Florida State ID from FLHSMV. If you wish to upload your own photo, click “SUPPLY MY OWN” to supply your own proof of residency document. Select the file you wish to upload and click “OPEN.” The document will appear below the “SUPPLY PROOF” button.
  10. Review your information for accuracy, then click "APPLY."
  11. Electronically sign your application. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Signature section to type in your first name and last name in the boxes provided.
  13. Electronically sign your application and click "Submit My Card Application."

  14. Pay the application fee.

  15. Click “Print for your Records” to print the payment confirmation for your records.

  16. The current processing time for the new application review process is 10 business days from the date of submission. For renewals, this should be instant. Payments take (5) business days to fully process and post in the Medical Marijuana Use Registry. Once your payment is processed, the application review period can take up to an additional 5 business days. If any part of an application is rejected or missing or invalid documentation, the processing time will be delayed.