Congratulations on getting approved for your medical certification. Here's a guide to what you need to do next.
If you're an existing medical card holder, click here for renewal instructions.
Before you start, have these things ready:
- Your PIN number - provided by Leafwell
- A valid form of ID
- Massachusetts driver's license
- Massachusetts ID card (with a photograph of yourself)
- U.S. passport and another document that proves your Massachusetts residency
- U.S. military ID and another document that proves your Massachusetts residency.
- A photograph of yourself if you are not using a Massachusetts-issued driving license or ID
- Proof of Massachusetts Residency if a Passport or US Military ID is to be used as the form of identification
Getting Your Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Card
To register with the Medical Use of Marijuana Online System, follow the step-by-step registration instructions below.
Step 1:
Scan and save the documents listed above to your device. If uploading a US military ID, scan and upload the front and the back of the card. Be sure to have a copy of the front and back of the card saved on one file. When uploading your (or the patient's) photograph to the Medical Use of Marijuana Online System, ensure that the photograph has a minimum resolution of 400 pixels wide by 360 pixels long, is in .jpg format, and has a maximum size of 2 MB. When uploading the rest of the documents, ensure that the document is in .jpg format or .pdf format and has a maximum size of 2 MB.
Step 2:
Visit the Medical Use of Marijuana Online System at
- Click on the "Create Account" link.
- Enter your information in the “User Information” section.
- Accept the “Terms and Conditions” by clicking “I agree to the Medical Use of Marijuana Online System's terms and conditions.”
- Pass the CAPTCHA.
- Click “Create Account.”
You will then receive an email to the email address you provided. This email will contain a link
to confirm your email address to complete your registration. After clicking the link in the email,
click the link on the page to proceed to the login page. Be sure to keep your username and
password. You will need your original username when you renew your registration.
Step 3:
Enter your username and password and click “Login” to access the system.
Step 4:
Click the “Register as an Adult Patient” button.
Step 5:
Enter all four identification fields and click the “Proceed” button. The PIN Number is the number
you received from your Certifying Healthcare Provider, and that was emailed to you by the
Program, after you were certified.
Step 6:
If you successfully enter all of the identification fields, you will be taken to the instructions
page. Review these instructions and click “Proceed.”
Step 7:
Enter your information into the required fields denoted by a red asterisk (*). These include the following:
- Registration Information: Mother’s Maiden Name and Gender.
- Residential Address: Address, City, and Zip Code.
○ If you are homeless, you may check the box denoting your status. If you check this box, you will be required to provide a Massachusetts mailing address.
○ Please note: If you are submitting a driver’s license or a Massachusetts ID card as your valid form of identification, the name and address in your application must match the name and address on your corresponding Valid Form of ID.
- Mailing Address: Address, City, and Zip Code.
○ If your mailing address is the same as your residential address, you may check the box and the information will automatically populate
- Identification Document Information: Valid Form of Identification and Number on Valid Form of Identification
○ From the drop-down menu, select which “Valid Form of Identification” you will be uploading (Massachusetts Driver’s License; Massachusetts ID; United States passport; or US Military ID)
○ Enter the “Number on your Valid Form of ID.” Depending on which valid form of ID you upload, the number will be your Massachusetts Driver’s License number (Include the ‘S’); Massachusetts ID number; United States passport number; or US Military ID number.
○ Attestation: Read through the Attestations and check the box to attest that you understand and agree with each of the attestations.
○ Once you complete filling out your information and check the attestation box, click “Proceed.”
Step 8:
If you successfully enter all of the fields, you will be taken to the “Valid Form of Identification”
- Enter the expiration date of your Valid Form of ID.
- To upload a copy of your Valid Form of ID, first the “Choose File” or “Browse” button and select the file that you saved to your computer in Step 1.
- Please note: This file should contain a copy of your Valid Form of ID. You should not upload the
- picture of yourself at this time; you will be asked to do so on the next page.
- Also note: If you are uploading a US Military ID, you must upload the file that contains both the front and back copy of your ID.
- Click “Proceed” to continue to the next page.
Step 9:
If you successfully enter all of the fields and you used a US Passport or US Military ID, you will
be taken to the “Proof of Massachusetts Residency” page.
- To upload a copy of the proof of residency, first the “Choose File” or “Browse” button and select the file that you saved to your computer in Step 1.
- Click “Proceed” to continue to the next page.
Step 10:
You only need to upload a photo if you did not use a Massachusetts Driver’s License or Photo
- Read the instructions and make sure that the photo you saved on your computer in Step 1
meets the described requirements.
- To upload your photo, first click the “Choose File” or “Browse” button. A separate dialogue box will open; select the file that you saved to your computer in Step 1 and open. Next, click the “Upload” button.
- Your picture should then appear under “My Uploaded Photo.”
- Once you have successfully uploaded a photo of yourself, click the “Proceed” button.
Step 11:
Next, you will be brought to the “Review and Submit Application” page to review and confirm
your registration information.
- If you need to correct any information, you may click the associated field on the right side of the screen and edit your information, or you may click the “Back” button until you reach the correct screen and edit your information.
- After you have verified that the information is correct, click the “Proceed” button until you return to the Review and Submit Application screen.
- Once you have verified that the information is correct, click on the “Submit” button.
Step 12:
You will then be taken to the Home screen with a message stating that you have submitted a
new registration application. Once your registration application is reviewed by the Medical Use
of Marijuana Program, you will be notified by email regarding the status of your registration. Registration applications are reviewed in the order they are received.
If approved for registration, you will be able to print a temporary, paper Program ID and will receive a plastic Program ID Card in the mail at a later date. Temporary, paper Program ID Cards expire 42 days from the date that your registration is approved by the Program, at which time you should have received a plastic Program ID Card. If you do not receive your plastic Program ID Card within three weeks, call the Program at (833) 869-6820.