Montana State Process

Congratulations on getting approved for your medical certification.

Per state regulations, you must complete the state side of the application process within 60 days of receiving your physician statement!

Here's a guide to what you need to do next.

If you're an existing medical card holder, click here for renewal instructions.

Before you start, have the following ready:

  • Photo of applicant
    • The style should be similar to a driver's license or passport photo
    • Clear, in color, neutral background
    • From shoulders up, facing the camera
    • No hats, face masks, sunglasses
    • Taken within the last six months
  • Proof of Montana Residency
    • Montana driver’s license, Montana state or tribal identification card, voter registration form, Montana hunting or fishing license, etc.
  • Your Physician statement from Leafwell (Dated within 60 days.  All four pages are required.)
    • Minors need the approval of two physicians

Getting Your Montana Medical Marijuana Card

  1. Access the TransAction Portal (TAP).

  2. Scroll down to the Cannabis Control Card section and click "Apply for or Manage a New Medical Marijuana Card."

  3. In the Medical Marijuana Registry section, click "Apply for a New Medical Marijuana Card."

  4. You should now be on the application type screen. Select either Adult Application or Minor Application. Click the "Next" button.

  5. Complete the Cardholder Application. It contains required data fields, question responses, and document uploads.

    1. Click "Address needs to be verified" to verify the location of your address and the physician's address.

  6. Pay the state application fee of $20. You can do this via credit, debit, or ACH. Applicants can also mail in a check or money order, or deliver cash, check, or money order.

    1. Pay online:

      1. Log in to TAP, locate your Cannabis License Account, and select Make a Payment or

      2. Visit TAP and select Make a Payment in the Quick Links section.

      3. Pay by e-check (free) or credit card (will include additional transaction fees).

    2. Pay by telephone:

      1. Call the state at (406) 444-6900.

      2. You will need your Montana Account ID and bank or credit card information.

      3. Pay by e-check (free) or credit card (will include additional transaction fees).

    3. Pay by check:

      1. Make check payable to Montana Department of Revenue.

      2. Write your Montana Account ID on the memo line of your check. Please remember to sign the check.

      3. Mail your payment to:
        Montana Department of Revenue
        P.O. Box 6309
        Helena, MT 59604-6309

  7. Once submitted, you will gain access to a temporary card that can be printed out directly from the submission confirmation screen - it is not valid in digital form.

    1. The temporary card expiration date is initially set to a maximum of 60 days. Once a Cardholder Application is approved, that expiration date changes to ten (10) business days from the date of approval to allow time for your cardholder registry identification card to arrive in the mail.

    2. If you need to download and print your temporary card at a later time, you can retrieve your application at Search for an Existing Submission. You will need your email address and retrieval code.

  8. You will receive an email notification from the state when you are fully approved or if there is a problem with your application. Rejected applications can be corrected and resubmitted.

  9. Approved patients receive a physical medical card, from the state, via mail.

Additional Resources:

Please note: You have 60 days from the date of your certification to complete the state application. Failure to do so may result in additional fees.